Are you one of those who are looking forward to the 2022 fashion trend predictions? You can get not only predictions of 2022 fashion trends. Because the Forcasting Trend already has answers from the 2021 fashion trends to the 2022 fashion trends.
The prediction of the 2021 – 2022 fashion trend is wrapped in an article with the theme The New Beginning. The article explains that there are four themes that will dominate in 2021-2022. This theme is taken based on research that has been done by the Fashion Trends team.

“The tendency to change the mindset of human behavioral factors every period is influenced by external factors, now perhaps the whole world is experiencing the same behavior (Pandemic),”
“Automatically affects how humans respond in terms of how creative they respond to it, this is our parameter in research,”
These four themes are inspired by the lives that humans live during the pandemic. In each fashion theme in 2021-2022, star the message of a change in fashion style due to the pandemic that “forces” humans to change.
These four themes include Essentiality, Spirituality, Exploration, and Exploitation. A brief explanation of the details of the four themes of the following 2021-2022 fashion trends.
Essentiality Theme
In the theme of Essentiality, fashion is described which elevates the changes in the living activities of urban groups with the dominance of activities around the home environment.
The pandemic that hit from 2020 to the present has made most people spend more time at home.
Activities at home such as work, school or doing other things. This idea gave birth to the Essentiality theme, in which a comfortable fashion style, focused on function and not too much detail was born.
Meanwhile, the patterns that will be used by the Essentiality theme are floral and fauna patterns. Then because they want to bring out a comfortable fashion style, a childish style, soft and fresh colors will dominate this theme.
For a solid match, the Essentiality theme combines a sporty casual style with a romantic feminine style.
Spirituality Theme
The pandemic has changed the mindset of people, this disaster managed to make the whole world haunted by fear because of an epidemic. This is what makes humans much more spiritual and closer to nature.
From here, the theme of Spirituality was raised, this theme describes the change in human mindset that is more grounded in traditional values, culture, and respect for the work process. Thus creating a classic elegant style with a touch of exotic ethnicity.
Thus, it is only natural that this fashion theme puts more emphasis on the use of natural materials, traditional motifs and textiles, and handwork details that are displayed in clothing with the theme of Spirituality. This outfit is made with a high technical emphasis and quality in neutral and earthy tones.
Exploitation Theme
Since the pandemic, humans have become completely limited in carrying out various activities. This Exploitation theme is a breakthrough from all the limitations that occurred during the pandemic. So this theme gives rise to a lively, optimistic and tends to be excessive.
No longer wanting to be limited in any way, the Exploitation theme gave birth to a fashion style with excessive elements both in detail, shape and size application. The combination of bold motif elements, colors that collide with each other to maximized size makes the Exploitation theme look more dramatic and seem chaotic.
Exploration Theme
The Exploration theme depicts a new hope after the pandemic ends. The fashion style on the Exploration theme forces us to travel beyond the present to find a brighter future.
Demanded as a survivor, in the Exploration theme clothing, various elements of techno in an explorer style, unique, and eccentric are raised. Then the combination of unusual colors, textures, and motifs tend to dominate this theme.
The motifs presented are inspired by digital elements in an arty off-beat style with a sporty look.
Those are the four themes of the 2022 fashion trend, if you want to prefer and match clothes with what theme?